i_rise_inside Oct 05, 2010 00:38
v is stuck in capslock, omg, win win win, v is a spoilerwhore, you should show castiel some respect, v is a rabid fangirl, v is dying of flail, you me fuck fuck, dean/castiel is ruining my life, v is ecstatic, #keyboardmashasdfghjkl, see that? its called otp, v cant control teh emotions, v is excite!
i_rise_inside Sep 15, 2010 05:19
life = made, best thing in the history of ever, v is drooling copiously, pure sex, v is dying of flail, you me fuck fuck, v worships teh misha, v'll be in her bunk, v cant control teh emotions, unfity unf, v is o-0